setting sail.

I was thoroughly disgusted tonight. After I took my Entrepreneurship test, I scurried out of Mack Library and headed for my car. I was completely repulsed when the guy in front of me hacked up a bunch of who knows what and spit it all over the grass. It took every ounce of common sense in my head to keep my comments to myself. He was practically five times bigger than me and entirely dressed in camouflage.

Then I dashed to the G’ville Shack (I was too scared to go to the Easley Shack…seeing as I would run into he-who-must-not-be-named) and bought Andrew Peterson’s Love & Thunder (recommended by Jason) and Switchfoot’s The Beautiful Letdown (recommended by Amber). Both albums are incredible. I wove in and out of downtown traffic…crying. Good music makes me want to just keep driving up through the mountains. Windows down. Radio up. Tears flowing.

It’s been one of those nights.

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