fifty things i love.

In the spirit of Kristin, I present 50 Things I Love:

1. Daniel – and I miss him dreadfully right now. He’s in Ohio for a week. It’s not that we are terribly clingy. I’m just use to having my best friend around. And I feel like part of me is missing.

2. My mom and dad – they are dear, wonderful people. I know they love me with an undying love and that means more than anything else. I love the moments when I really step back and watch them. For instance, when dad was helping Daniel load our dining room suite (we got a dining room suite this past week!) onto the truck – it was so tender. The two men I love more than any – working hard and both shooting me glances to make sure I approved. And the other day when I went to mom’s house and found her sleeping on the couch. She was tired, headachy – but she suddenly grew very wiggly when I told her that the furniture was Just Down Stairs!

3. Going to the Piano Studio in Anderson and listening to Daniel tear up the Steinway and Petrov. Oh, that we could have one now!

4. Comfortable shoes – unlike the brown ones that hurt my feet last week. Argh!

5. Ritz crackers and peanut butter

6. Gloria 34 by Taylor Sorenson

7. Selling things on Ebay

8. Silky red ribbon with embroidery

9. Feeling peace wash over you

10. Good customer service

11. Practicing flute etudes

12. That it’s only 116 days until I become Mrs. Daniel Bergey

13. Newborn puppies

14. The USPS crate that rides in my trunk every day now – all ready for eBay packages

15. Reading the prayer that will be read at our wedding

16. Services at Grace

17. My Country Apple scented dish detergent

18. Cold drizzly rain on a hot summer day

19. My frilly blue skirt

20. Buying wondrous things on Etsy (and hopefully selling things one day)

21. Giving Him every area of my heart – even the Secret Rooms

22. Singing with Daniel and Natalie

23. Really large, colorful file clips for the office

24. Having a stack of books that are To Be Read

25. Conversations with my Aunt Judy at the mailbox

26. Signs of fall

27. Having brothers and a little sister (soon)

28. Lazy Sunday afternoons

29. White grapefruit juice (sidenote: Daniel was drinking some the other day and after a little kiss I said, “you smell like communion.”)

30. Fixing a roast in the crockpot

31. The little wicker basket that holds everything at night – my watch, my glasses, my phone, the Book I’m Reading and so much more.

32. My navy blue flannel sheets – especially when hot out of the dryer

33. Running into friends or family at the grocery store and such

34. Audioblogs – only from people I know

35. Talking around the proverbial water cooler – and the real one, too

36. Finding an old “garageband mixdown” of Daniel’s – in which he sings four different parts. Quite impressive.

37. My elephant table by my bed

38. Sincere, honest friendship

39. Clearing my desktop off

40. Brand new Doc Martins

41. The Etsy Time Machine

42. Having the ability to make a positive difference in the future of a company

43. St. Ives lotion

44. Classical music

45. Imagining drawing for a living

46. Being knowledgeable about current events

47. Children’s naivety

48. Kissing Daniel in the middle of the Valley and hearing my parents shout (as they walk down from Granny’s), “that’s not how you do it! This is how!”

49. Removing stumbling blocks

50. Realizing that all that matters is what I do with today

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