almost week thirty.

Since I am already a mommy, I suppose it is normal to want to write about my child. Even though he is tiny, swimming, and currently kicking my ribs. But I know that some of you are probably annoyed by pregnancy/mother posts or worse, you are grossed out by anything that mentions nursing, giving birth, contractions or AMNIOTIC SAC! I do realize that I could instead talk about lollipops, daydreaming, and how I would love to have a large glass of apple juice right now.

But since I have zero lollipops, and daydreaming is best right after you wake up (when the morning sun is still streaming across the bed and you are telling yourself that everyone else in the world is able to get up – so you really have no excuse), and the apple juice in the fridge is liable to make me drunk, I will instead talk about my baby.

Last night was a rough night. The pain I fought well into the wee hours of the morning was enough to make Daniel and I nervous about whether the baby was okay. We did a quick check of my symptoms online and decided I needed to make a doctor’s appointment this morning.

Thankfully, everything seems to be okay at the moment. My doctor suggested a few things to help me in the coming weeks: continue to drink enormous amounts of water (dehydration is a nightmare in and of itself but to go through it while pregnant is apparently a pain nigh unto death), invest in some sort of back/stomach support because the pressure of the baby is really killing my lower stomach and back, and to really try to stay off of my feet. My blood pressure is still behaving well, I’ve only gained 8 pounds in my total pregnancy (that seems very wrong when I type it but she keeps assuring me that I’m just “all baby”), and my heartburn isn’t nearly as bad as it has been. Because I am hypoglycemic, there was some early concern about whether I’d have gestational diabetes but after going through 3 horrid tests, all my results have come back well and apparently my body knows how to do its job.

But after coming back home and pondering the 10 weeks I have left, I am left hoping and praying that all goes well. I do not want to take it for granted that everything is alright at the moment. And as I sat eating my 6th oreo cookie, I realized that I have really slipped up on my healthy eating in the past two weeks. And since little Drew still needs NUTRIENTS and not SUGAR (although I really can’t wait to give him an oreo cookie and see the delight in his sugary glazed eyes), I’ve decided to get back on the healthy menu I first chose when I discovered I was expecting a baby.

But at some point in life, I would like to have another cheeseburger from Chili’s, please. PLEASE.

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