our life lately.

I think I have reached the point where snow is no longer dreamy. Winter can pack herself up and head further north because my longing for Spring is alive and well.

Bundling up with coats, gloves, scarves, hats, boots, and applying lotion liberally so we don’t turn into angry chapped versions of ourselves – it’s too much. Waking to put on a tee and shorts and dashing into the sun? Yes, please.

We’re stir crazy.

Drew’s fists have been pummeling, his anger raging, and I’ve been exhausted trying to think of new things which will entertain him.

Watch Mommy watch the snowflakes falling. Watch Mommy cackling maniacally.

After a few weeks of CRAZY, we have finally found a bit of peace. His fists have stopped wildly flying about, his anger melts sooner, and even though I’m still horribly sick, my patience is better.

We make charts. We play Minecraft. We have a new timeout chair. And a new rule about no talking during timeout gasp and oh my, it works beautifully. We craft when he gets fidgety. We have new music for dancing. I found my patience again.

minecraft and charts


We also put on stage productions.

{He starts this by saying once upon a time… but I didn’t catch it very well at the start of the video.}

Excuse my not-so-adorable breathiness. I’m still sick. 😉


A few days ago, we attended a wonderful birthday party for one of Drew’s friends, Noe.

Noe's Birthday Party

{go see the whole set}


Our Valentine’s Day was a bit low-key and yet still perfect.

I did this Pinterest Project!

Nibbling on Valentine's Chex mix.

Daniel bought me beautiful roses, we gave Drew chocolates, we crafted and read Valentine books, snuggled, received a basket of gorgeous fruit from my parents, and had yummy chili for dinner (complete with cheese hearts).

Drew wore the ribbon from Harry & David for the rest of the evening and crawled up on the hope chest for pictures before bed.

Valentine's 2012

{go see the whole set}

All in all, a great way to spend the day with the two people whom I love most.

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