on favorite things and what I’ve learned.

What are your favorite decorative items/pieces of furniture/household features? – Kristen 

We live in a cozy apartment right now and plan to be here until next June. It has been exactly what we needed but it has not felt as though it was uniquely ours. Neither of us have felt a desire to paint walls or plan a decor theme and since we’ve moved so many times, we keep parsing through what we own and by the time we ARE in a house, we will need to purchase a considerable amount of items.

My pinterest boards are full of plans for the future. I want large maps on the living room walls, billowing curtains, bookcases everywhere, a bathroom in typography, a chevron wall, and a secret doorway through a bookcase. I’m totally fine with it being in the shape of a Tardis.

So, here are a few of my favorite things about my home: 

We have gorgeous large windows in our bedroom and in our office. They let in gargantuan amounts of light from morning to night. 

My mom had these flowers made for me when I was a teenager. Each flower echoes a part of my personality. I had them on a grecian stand in the corner of my room for years and now they feel a bit lost at the moment. I’m not sure where to put them. So they sit forlornly on my hope-chest.  The hope-chest holds sweet memories as well. My dad bought it for me when I turned 16. We both rambled through the second floor of a furniture store for what seemed like hours until we found this piece.

These bookshelves in Drew’s room are from IKEA. They have been absolutely awesome. He loves them. We love them. Everyone loves them. Also, it’s easy to clean up when we have labeled trays.

Our guest bathroom curtain! When Drew began learning his letters he would sit on the potty and shout “E! S! 1! UPSIDE DOWN E!” We’re big fans of typography.

This cozy window makes our small kitchen seem much bigger. I can peer into the living room while making dinner and comment on Mario Galaxy.

Our living room couch is almost worn out. I’m the only one who still likes it. It has a slipcover that needs washing frequently, pillows that need plumping weekly (and then Drew collects the feathers), and it doesn’t have the best support for your back but I still really love it. It will be regulated to a Room That Doesn’t Matter before long. Sniffle.

Daniel’s recently-passed Grandpa made this beautiful grandfather clock. I wasn’t too keen on it when I got married (Daniel’s family – don’t hate me!) but I have really grown to love it. It means so much to me now.

My reading corner. Complete with IKEA lamp. I could buy a hundred of those lamps. They are cheap and have warm, yellow light instead of BING BLUE WHITE LIGHT. The bookcase will be given away before we move again and that recliner will be simply thrown away but for now, it’s my reading corner and I love it.

What skill have you learned in the past year that you are proud of? – Bethany

Origami and paint-by-number projects that look somewhat awesome! I wish I could say kick-boxing and swimming but that’s for next year.

My sister-in-law Cassidy bought me an origami kit as a gift this past year and I’ve spent many evenings creating origami with Drew.

And then on my last visit to Maryland, I watched Cassidy and Daniel’s sister Sarah doing paint-by-number kits they bought from local craft stores and I got hooked. It is so relaxing, incredibly easy, and they are fun to give as gifts.

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