the bratty diet.

Warning. Lots of poo talk in this post.

I woke up to find a thick(er) blanket of snow all over the lawn. It’s really beautiful. And with the promise of a snowsuit heading our way (for Drew), I was looking forward to letting him have a grand ole time outside.

But when I went to his room about an hour ago, I knocked on the door. I do that sometimes and he knocks back and I say “hi Drew” and he says “hi Mommy, open door!”

He knocked and then I heard a little whining.

I opened the door to see diarrhea POURING out of his diaper. On the carpet in his room. It was so disgusting I thought I was going to get sick myself.

I yanked him on to the diaper changing table and shrieked for Daniel. The table was the closest thing and I knew that Daniel had just finished taking a shower and that the hot water wasn’t back yet. I took all his clothes off, determined that he’d actually stopped *going*, and tried to clean him up with wipes. It was so gross. I got nauseated quite a bit through the whole ordeal and I found that odd because ever since I got my mom license, poo and throwup and all other bodily fluids simply don’t freak me out.

But this was just wild. And overwhelming. Daniel had been eating breakfast and when I shrieked, he left his cereal to soggify (don’t you hate when that happens) and he dashed upstairs and started wiping up the carpet.

I finally decided that Drew would just have to have a cold bath. I plopped him in the tub and discovered there was as TINY bit of warm water left. I scrubbed him down and then by the time I drained the water and it was time to rinse, it was COLD. Every time I poured a cup of water over him to rinse him he gave me the most HORRID frown you can imagine.

I dried him off and put him in front of the heater to get warm and put clean pajamas on. I then took him downstairs to his high chair and started the BRATTY diet: bananas, rice, applesauce, tea, toast, and yogurt.

I cleaned a bit more in his room and Daniel took the trash out to the road because it was almost time for the truck to be at our house. That’s when we discovered our landlord out scraping our driveway for us. Very encouraging in the midst of all the stress.

I’m still not sure what’s going on with Drew. 🙁 This is the third time he’s been sick since Friday, this being the worst.

I’m really hoping that it isn’t that he’s allergic to milk. Friday night he threw up all over his bed but I think that was because he had dinner (when we had the Souder’s over) and then played for almost two hours with Zedekiah at FULL SPEED AHEAD and then drank milk before bed. Within 5 minutes of laying down he got sick.

Then on both Sunday and Monday he had extremely frightening diapers all day.

I’m thinking he just has a stomach bug. If it was milk, and there is history of Bergey men being allergic to milk, then I’d think he would have been allergic to it a long time ago and that it wouldn’t have just suddenly started.

I hope the rest of the day is better.

I still feel deathly sick. Daniel bought me some delicious medicine last night, though. It really helps with the stuffiness and the ear-popping.

We may have to wait until Daniel gets home from work this evening so he can take Drew out to play in the snow. I’m not sure if I need to be in the cold.

Well, I have carpet to clean in his room. Unless someone wants to come do it for me. 🙂

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