up and down.

Up: Daniel’s dad and sister came to visit yesterday. They brought us a beautiful and very comfy recliner to add to our collection of furniture that is rather large for a couple who has only been married for 3 years. We were also treated to a meal at Cracker Barrel. And of course, we went by Tractor Supply. And the park. And saw ducks going at it. At a CHILDREN’S PARK. 😉

Down: Drew had so much fun with Harry & Sarah that after breakfast this morning we had a LONG talk about where on earth is Sarah and why can’t we get in Granddaddy’s truck? He made a large frownie face.

Up: I’m really glad that he is remembering our family members and even what group they belong in. When we talk about Grammy he always asks about Poppy and when we talk about Grandmommy he always talks about Granddaddy, Nana, Grandpa, and the rest of the family. Even the dog.

Down: I’m feeling sick this morning. I don’t know if it is a stomach bug or, embarrassingly, the amount of ice cream I ate last night while watching Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story. Or maybe I have some sort of tapeworm that’s about to explode. You know, because that’s common. I tossed and turned all night long and woke up sweating around 2am and pretty much had a fit where I couldn’t find my glasses and was crawling on the bedroom floor fussing and slapping the carpet and whining and moaning and poor Daniel just raised up on one elbow and looked at me like oh my word what did I marry and why is she crawling on the floor? I seriously don’t know why I was other than I was frustrated that I couldn’t find my glasses and had assumed that they were somewhere on the floor and by God I was going to find them. No matter that I was half asleep, blind, and currently in no NEED of my glasses since it was the middle of the night and I just needed to sleep.

Up: We are going to be traveling and having folks travel to us a LOT in March & April. We are heading back to Baltimore in two weeks (Sarah, I hope we can hook up around that time, I need to email you!) and then the Bergey’s are headed back up here at the end of March for a family reunion in Mechanicsburg. Then, we are leaving to go to South Carolina on April 4 and coming back here on April 13. I hope I’ll get to see Kerry’s new baby then and it will be SO wiggly to see our family. Then when we get back, Jason will be visiting for a week. Also, Shannon is coming to visit soon – not sure if it will be April or May. 😉

Down: All of that feels really stressful when I think about it for too long. But at the same time, I desperately need my daily life to be shaken up a bit (not in a bad way, mind you) and having more people to interact with can only improve things.

Up: I’m planning on sending a few postcards to PostSecret for Frank’s new book: Confessions on Life, Death & God.

Down: Reading Portraits of an Economy has had me weeping this week. Our finances are still really tight and I’d been feeling really overwhelmed about it all until I found this site. It wasn’t exactly encouragement but it was just a reminder that we aren’t alone. There are SO MANY people all over America right now who are either falling apart financially or on the brink. If you have it good right now, count your sweet blessings. And let’s all start learning how to plant vegetables, cut coupons, and create our own Friday night fun.

And on the subject of tightening belts and eating cheaply, this past month was the first time I’d ever seen/discovered what frozen juice concentrate is. Ohmyword it’s so wiggly. I’ve been making orange juice like crazy and after reading how fresh orange juice might not actually be so fresh, I don’t feel like we are missing out on much at all.

Up: I created a new character in WoW. Faerlanna was annoying me with her weird name and I felt like I was stumbling around still learning a lot and wanted a brand new start. So, ta da, I created Arnatuilë. She’s at level 21 and going strong. That is, when I find the time. I haven’t played for a few days now because there has actually been other things I’ve wanted/needed to do. Fancy that.

Down: I’m late on Drew’s Month 23 newsletter. I have a little text edit document filled with the bits and pieces of this month but I just haven’t sat down to write it. Also, I didn’t have a working camera for most of the month so I didn’t take that many pictures. The situation has been remedied so expect pictures soon. And also, expect an awesome letter. Drew has changed SO MUCH this month. I still can’t believe how fast he’s growing up. Maybe I’ll have it up soon.

Up: I think the rest of the country must have felt this too from all the tweets I saw, but we had AMAZING weather this weekend. And, still are. I am longing for Spring so badly. I’ve never been a fan of Spring (I love Autumn in her delicious blustery leaf-blowing goodness) but this year, I’m craving it.

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