up and down.

Up: We purchased two new lamps for the living room. I’ve been meaning to get back to Ikea for awhile but we finally made it happen this past weekend.

Up: My game repertoire is growing! I’m becoming well-versed in Settlers of Catan, Nertz, Bullshit, and Pinochle.

Down: Drew has a bad habit of using his head as a battering ram. He “accidentally” slammed his head into the bridge of my nose a few days ago and I’m still suffering with severe pain. I suppose the cartilage is bruised? It is still a bit swollen but thankfully, it’s not broken.

Up: I met a new friend who lives in the same complex as we all do!

Down: Two things I ordered from Amazon are lost. Or someone stole them. Unfortunately, I hadn’t changed my address on the site when I placed the order so they went to my old apartment. But the packages haven’t turned up at all. Thankfully, Amazon will replace them in a few days if they still don’t turn up. Even though it’s sort of my fault in the first place.

Up: An old friend, Jason Wall, visited with us over lunch on Sunday while he was driving through Michigan. I hadn’t seen him since Thanksgiving in Baltimore so that was especially nice.

Up: We’ve started watching Downton Abbey (it’s on Netflix streaming). I must admit that I hadn’t heard of the show until I read a bit of celebrity gossip and saw that William and Kate are big fans of the show. My curiosity was piqued and we watched the first episode. I’m a sucker for most British shows but this show is just fabulous. Maggie Smith (she plays Professor Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter series) and Penelope Wilton (she plays Harriest Jones, MP in Doctor Who) surprised me by being in the cast.

Up: We’ve had the pianos and guitar put away for about two years (neither of us were able to play without emotional angst) and now Ken is here with all of his guitars and the guys are talking about composing and collaboration and it’s really nice to close my eyes and hear music flooding through the apartment.

Down: I have to take Drew to a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. He’s getting a few immunization shots, a wellness visit, and hopefully something to clear up a frustrating case of eczema he’s been dealing with since we moved here (we’re slightly concerned it stems from something in the new carpet but we aren’t sure). Drew doesn’t remember getting shots before so I’m anxious to see how that plays out. He’s been carrying his doctor toys around all day and we’ve taken turns giving each other shots, taking temperatures, and all-around-doctorish-things. It’s really cute when Drew dashes up to me and shouts “HOW OLD ARE YOU? HOW ARE YOU FEELING? MY NAME IS DOCTOR DREW AND I NEED TO GIVE YOU A SHOT AND CHECK YOUR BLOOD.”

Up: Annie & Helen got married in Boston today. My heart felt so full and I’ll admit to becoming teary-eyed when she posted the news to FB.

Up: We’re contemplating a family membership at the YMCA in Ann Arbor. It’s really close to Barracuda so I could drop Daniel at work each morning, let Drew frolic in their excellent child care, and go work out. But that means I need to stop baking cookies and work a little harder than just my daily walking. So. We’ll see.

Up: I saw a thread today on Reddit about favorite documentaries. Someone mentioned Dear Zachary and I remembered that my friend Jeff had told me some time back that I HAD to see it. So, I watched it. And yes, it was absolutely amazing. One of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen. It’s on Netflix streaming. Go watch it!

Down: However, I cried like a baby while watching Dear Zachary. Not only was it one of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen, it also felt hauntingly painful. I felt such anger when it was over. And I felt such awe for Andrew’s parents. But like I just said, go watch it! Right now! Please don’t look it up online first. You can find spoilers very easily and I want you to see it without any knowledge of the story.

Up: Drew is figuring out how to play Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star all by himself on the piano! He’s been very firm about DOING IT HIMSELF. Adorable.

Up: Wildberry Tea. My new love. I discovered it at Wendy’s but I am thinking about mixing some up at home.

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