a toddler’s life and a sparkly tree.

This video shows that the life of a toddler is pretty sweet. Eating cheerios off the couch, dancing to music, posing for the camera, and making Mommy giggle every time you say I love you.

a toddler’s life and a sparkly tree from Jennifer on Vimeo.

Also, I guess I need to take the Christmas tree down. I’ve been really enjoying it – especially since this is my first real tree. We rearranged the furniture so we could have the tree in the living room and now that we’re taking the tree to the end of the road tomorrow (or soon), there is going to be an empty hole in the corner of the room. 🙁

Maybe I should have a “holiday tree.” All year round. Okay, I know those are sort of tacky but I love having the lights on in the evening. It feels festive, glamourous, and sparkly. I’m going to miss it very much.

One Response to “a toddler’s life and a sparkly tree.”

  1. Shanna says:

    I love this video!! He’s so precious!!

    I was sad to take our tree down too. I love having the lights up and I trying to think of a way that we can have them up all year around without it being tacky… not sure how that’s going to work out though.