take time to be with Him.

While reading one of the most heart-wrenching stories yesterday (and afterwards, watching the video), I saw a quote on this blog that grabbed my heart.

“Take the time to be with the Lord as you piece it together again.”

I know that Angie’s story deals with tragedy much more severe than some of my heartache but I was really encouraged as I realized that those words apply to us all.

We don’t have to have all the answers and all the pieces together before we find ourselves before Him, just being.

God has accepted us right where we are, pieces astray and answers unknown. Christ paid our price and we have the beautiful, immense, rich love and grace that we can truly embrace and rest in.

P.S. I hope you do get a chance to view Angie’s story and video. Also, her husband is Todd, from Selah (their music is delicious.)

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