day eight.

I am completely and utterly exhausted right now. BONE TIRED. I just asked Daniel to bring me my headphones so I could escape into some music while I write. I know he feels like my wearing headphones cuts me off from the flow of conversation but after the day I’ve had, I just need to sink into music therapy. And a hot shower.

Drew and I trekked off to Greer this morning to spend time with my dearest friend Kerry and her little boy Deacon. A wave of nostalgia hit me when we hugged. Those long nights talking in her room. Watching her brush her hair over her sink while my fingers danced on the glass of the fish tank in her old room. Playing Myst in the A-frame at The Wilds. All our years in high and college. All.the.memories.

Our paths have woven together at different times since college. Some times we keep in touch a bit more than others and there is always that hesitancy of will it be the same? Does friendship last this long? What if you change as individuals? Can you still have that same bond? But every single time we come face to face again, all those tiny worries melt within seconds. And we part again with tears in our eyes.

Today was extra special because our sons were giggling and roaring at each other. OUR SONS.


little friends swinging

me, Kerry, and lil' Deacon

It was also my first time seeing her new home and swoon it was beautiful!

a tiny peek into Kerry's beautiful home

Drew and I finally pulled ourselves away (we missed seeing the chickens! boo!) and drove back to Liberty in time to see Aunt Judy! Mom and The Grandboy curled up in the swing on the back porch so Judy and I could have some aunt/niece time to talk/hug/share. I hadn’t seen her in a LONG time (over a year!) and it was so wonderful to sit and talk.

I knew she must have a myriad of emotions going on right now as Jonathan and Tara are in Russia and she’s missing them, worrying, hoping, praying, and loving from afar as they bring home their little M. I got to see pictures though!! I teared up while looking through them and felt such love for the entire process of adoption.

After Aunt Judy left, Mom took us to her now-that-she’s-retired-job (she tutors children in town). Drew and I both loved her office and he immediately began playing with a chart she had on her desk. It was especially nice to see this new chapter of her life.


teaching The Grandboy

Then it was a trip to the store as we shopped for food and pool things! When we pulled back into The Valley we saw that Dad/Poppy was already home from work and Drew was thrilled to show him his new dump truck.

Poppy & Drew

We had an evening meal out on the porch and watched Drew splash in the lop-sided pool (I didn’t realize I set it up on a slight hill) until dark.



I also saw a little sneaker playing with a “toy” near the path to the creek. I went to see what he had and it was one of Milton’s gardening gloves. I SAVED IT. 😀

the path to the creek

And imagined what it will look like when Stephen and Drew will be playing all over the backyard next summer.

backyard dreaming

As we were finishing up pool-time, my Aunt Dena stopped by and we had a lovely visit as well. She brought Drew a solar-powered car and we had immense fun trying to get it to do ANYTHING by holding a flashlight over it. It wriggled around a bit but I’m imagining some morning sun will have it performing beautifully tomorrow. It was great to see her and I felt happy to have soaked up so much family/friend love today.

But I’m bone-tired. I tucked Drew in bed tonight and he fussed and fussed about needing a particular car to sleep with and because I was so achy and tired I told him no, not tonight. Just snuggle your bumble bee and go to sleep. We went back and forth over this for probably ten minutes with both our voices becoming louder and more fussy. And finally I loudly said, I JUST DON’T FEEL LIKE GOING DOWNSTAIRS TO GET IT. I AM SO TIRED I WANT TO CRY. And Drew’s little tiny voice said, “but Mommy, it’s just down on the floor beside my bed.”

Yes, I felt awful. So I apologized all over myself, gave him his car, and kissed him a thousand times. And within minutes, he was sound asleep.

And now I’m done writing, these earbuds are killing my ears, and a hot shower is calling my name. Thank you, day eight, for making my soul feel so full even if my body is crying for rest.

One Response to “day eight.”

  1. Kerry says:

    Thank you for coming to see us! Deacon hasn’t stopped asking for you both — first thing he said this morning was “Mommy, where’s Jennifer?” 🙂 Love you SO much. Hope you have a great time for the rest of the week.