Archive for the ‘The Friends’ Category

day eight.

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

I am completely and utterly exhausted right now. BONE TIRED. I just asked Daniel to bring me my headphones so I could escape into some music while I write. I know he feels like my wearing headphones cuts me off from the flow of conversation but after the day I’ve had, I just need to sink into music therapy. And a hot shower.

Drew and I trekked off to Greer this morning to spend time with my dearest friend Kerry and her little boy Deacon. A wave of nostalgia hit me when we hugged. Those long nights talking in her room. Watching her brush her hair over her sink while my fingers danced on the glass of the fish tank in her old room. Playing Myst in the A-frame at The Wilds. All our years in high and college. All.the.memories.

Our paths have woven together at different times since college. Some times we keep in touch a bit more than others and there is always that hesitancy of will it be the same? Does friendship last this long? What if you change as individuals? Can you still have that same bond? But every single time we come face to face again, all those tiny worries melt within seconds. And we part again with tears in our eyes.

Today was extra special because our sons were giggling and roaring at each other. OUR SONS.


little friends swinging

me, Kerry, and lil' Deacon

It was also my first time seeing her new home and swoon it was beautiful!

a tiny peek into Kerry's beautiful home

Drew and I finally pulled ourselves away (we missed seeing the chickens! boo!) and drove back to Liberty in time to see Aunt Judy! Mom and The Grandboy curled up in the swing on the back porch so Judy and I could have some aunt/niece time to talk/hug/share. I hadn’t seen her in a LONG time (over a year!) and it was so wonderful to sit and talk.

I knew she must have a myriad of emotions going on right now as Jonathan and Tara are in Russia and she’s missing them, worrying, hoping, praying, and loving from afar as they bring home their little M. I got to see pictures though!! I teared up while looking through them and felt such love for the entire process of adoption.

After Aunt Judy left, Mom took us to her now-that-she’s-retired-job (she tutors children in town). Drew and I both loved her office and he immediately began playing with a chart she had on her desk. It was especially nice to see this new chapter of her life.


teaching The Grandboy

Then it was a trip to the store as we shopped for food and pool things! When we pulled back into The Valley we saw that Dad/Poppy was already home from work and Drew was thrilled to show him his new dump truck.

Poppy & Drew

We had an evening meal out on the porch and watched Drew splash in the lop-sided pool (I didn’t realize I set it up on a slight hill) until dark.



I also saw a little sneaker playing with a “toy” near the path to the creek. I went to see what he had and it was one of Milton’s gardening gloves. I SAVED IT. šŸ˜€

the path to the creek

And imagined what it will look like when Stephen and Drew will be playing all over the backyard next summer.

backyard dreaming

As we were finishing up pool-time, my Aunt Dena stopped by and we had a lovely visit as well. She brought Drew a solar-powered car and we had immense fun trying to get it to do ANYTHING by holding a flashlight over it. It wriggled around a bit but I’m imagining some morning sun will have it performing beautifully tomorrow. It was great to see her and I felt happy to have soaked up so much family/friend love today.

But I’m bone-tired. I tucked Drew in bed tonight and he fussed and fussed about needing a particular car to sleep with and because I was so achy and tired I told him no, not tonight. Just snuggle your bumble bee and go to sleep. We went back and forth over this for probably ten minutes with both our voices becoming louder and more fussy. And finally I loudly said, I JUST DON’T FEEL LIKE GOING DOWNSTAIRS TO GET IT. I AM SO TIRED I WANT TO CRY. And Drew’s little tiny voice said, “but Mommy, it’s just down on the floor beside my bed.”

Yes, I felt awful. So I apologized all over myself, gave him his car, and kissed him a thousand times. And within minutes, he was sound asleep.

And now I’m done writing, these earbuds are killing my ears, and a hot shower is calling my name. Thank you, day eight, for making my soul feel so full even if my body is crying for rest.

new places, saying goodbye, and celebrating.

Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

This weekend we started the process for finding a new place to live. Our lease isnā€™t up for a few months so this will all take some time. But it was quite fun to explore Whitmore Lake and Brighton. I saw a lake completely frozen for the first time in my life and there were people skating all over it and I swooned over and over. I think I really, really want to live around Whitmore Lake.

When we stumbled across Mt. Brighton (about 12 minutes away from Whitmore Lake) and realized there was skiing, I immediately knew that Steve and Cassidy needed to know about this place. They love snow boarding and I had no idea that this place existed. Iā€™m so wiggly about learning to ski and snow board!

We still want to rent for the time being and found a beautiful apartment (much bigger than our current one!) that will be our plan B. Plan A is a house or a town home. The town homes weā€™ve seen so far are too small and the houses weā€™ve seen havenā€™t been too impressive either. But hopefully weā€™re talking with a real estate agent this week and will see some better houses soon.


If you live in South Carolina, youā€™re probably aware that the bank I helped start a few years ago just got closed by the FDIC on Friday evening. I was an emotional mess on Friday night. To be frank, I was really shocked to be so weepy about it all (some if it may be because Iā€™ve been off my thyroid meds for a week now ā€“ I have GOT to get that filled this weekend) but I just couldnā€™t stop crying.

I had an amazing experience with that bank and I have such incredibly wonderful memories.

I remember being a drive-thru teller at Carolina First in 2004 and watching A. walk around and the hushed whispers that he was starting a new bank. I remember the conversation when D. asked if I wanted to jump on board. And the interview that was supposed to happen with A. ended up happening with J. and the rest is history. I ventured into Operations and did everything from filing stock information, to installing toilets, to helping decide what the bank debit card would look like. I remember the late night working, learning to manage the network, reports-reports-reports, and the pure adrenaline we all ran on as we tried so hard to do our best. And we did.

We moved from that temporary office to a modular building and then eventually to that beautiful building on Hwy 123. I went from being the Operations Assistant to the Operations and HR Administrator ā€“ and really, I was just figuring it all out as I went. Suddenly our little team of hard-workers grew and I met SO many people and we became a real family. The bank was voted Best Bank in the Upstate many times and between their free chocolate chip cookies and extremely wonderful customer service ā€“ they just charmed everyone.

When I left in October of ā€™06, I was leaving to write a childrenā€™s book. And then two weeks later, I found out that Daniel and I were expecting a baby. The hardest part was leaving J. I get teary just thinking about it. He was an incredibly hard worker and taught me SO much about behind-the-scenes-banking. Between just our everyday working, our philosophical conversations ā€“ he was just the best boss ever. And when I think about heading back into the work force at some point after Drew is in school, I always think Iā€™ll compare every boss I have to J.

(What made all of this more emotional was that Friday night was our anniversary and that evening five years ago, all of my co-workers from the bank had been at our wedding.)

Iā€™m really glad that there isnā€™t too much drama happening with the change ā€“ everyoneā€™s money is safe, I think most people are keeping their jobs, and hopefully the bank who is purchasing them will have more opportunities for everyone. But Iā€™m still sad that my bank is gone. I canā€™t imagine the stress that the employees are under right now and I just wish I could give them all a big hug.

RIP dear bank. I loved you. You were beautiful to me and I will cherish those memories. You taught me about working hard and dreaming big.


Last night Daniel and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary by hitting up some Italian food. We reminisced about meeting each other six years ago. The first time I saw him in the airport when he flew down from Maryland to take me to dinner (which was Italian as well) and then when he played the piano for me. And then flew back home. All in the same evening. I was swept off my feet for sure. šŸ™‚

We talked about how much has changed in our lives since we got married and we laughed and I did cry a bit as well. When we were curled up on Amelia Island, we had no idea that weā€™d be here, and that weā€™d be so very different. We toasted to the next chapter of our lives and then rushed to catch a movie.

And then came home to play cards and get craaazy with Steve and Cassidy. Iā€™m surprised we didnā€™t wake Drew.


All in all, a great weekend! Albeit an emotional one.


Monday, February 16th, 2009

Okay, I’ve been dying to announce this, and I’ve finally been given the go-ahead from all parties involved.

The Bergey side of the family received a bundle of announcements on Saturday, Valentine’s Day.

One son called to say that he and his family (hello, that’s us) were possibly moving to Michigan in the next few months.

And then another son called to say he’d asked his girlfriend to marry him. And that she’d said yes.

And then another son called and said the very same thing.

tim & danisteve & cassidy

So, Tim & Danielle and Steve & Cassidy are all engaged and I think Grandpa said it best when he said, “all of this makes my heart a-flutter.”

I’m very excited for both couples. Tim and Steve are like brothers to me and I think they rock. I have always hoped they’d find girls who I thought rocked as well. And they have. šŸ™‚

Here’s to the wedding bells and wiggliness ahead!

happy friday.

Friday, January 16th, 2009

Happy Friday. šŸ™‚

We had a morning visit from one of my new friends here, Aimee, and two of her children. The kids played and played (and didn’t want to stop and who can blame them) and Aimee and I talked about everything under the sun. I loved having her here and Drew, of course, was all “PEOPLE!”

The rest of our day has been housework, books, chasing, silliness, and watching the snow melt (oh, we had another blanket of snow a few days ago that surprised us when we awoke) and hoping that we don’t die tonight when it gets down to ONE DEGREE.

Drew also found one of his daddy’s hats.

wearing daddy's hat

I’m looking forward to the weekend. I know that sounds crazy when I’m home all the time but I really miss spending time with Daniel when he’s so busy. Weekends are for adventures, gathering at Engage, family-time, and all around snuggling.

cloudy days go away.

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

When Iā€™m depressed I can barely function. No writing, no music (well, I must admit that I have been tolerating some country music of the my-life-is-falling-apart variety, I know, pity me!), no friends, not much reading, and certainly very little laughter.

Iā€™ve been attributing this latest funk to being off my medicine for two weeks, the move, and being in a new city. Our bedroom still isnā€™t cozy because we havenā€™t bought box springs that will work and we still have some boxes left in there (thatā€™s the last of the boxes not counting the weird ones in the basement that are full of Danielā€™s art things, office wigglies, and who knows what else – another words, they arenā€™t as necessary). We have no lamp in there, no night-stands (so that means that my medicine isnā€™t by the bed with a glass of water each night so Iā€™m naturally forgetting it very easily – I havenā€™t been off the meds on purpose really), and since the mattress is still on the floor it feels like we are camping. Well, camping with lovely sheets and fluffy pillows. And camping is getting old after 12 days of being in the house.

I really like being in Carlisle, and I love being in Pennsylvania. Itā€™s so beautiful here. I never dreamt that I could find another state that felt cozy like South Carolina. But the farms, the rows and rows and rows of corn (that probably feel overwhelming to those who have been here forever), and the rolling hills feel so welcoming.

But even though I know this is where I belong, it still doesnā€™t feel like home. Thatā€™s to be expected. But what I thought Iā€™d be feeling is a longing to move back to South Carolina. But Iā€™m not. I miss my family and friends dreadfully but I donā€™t feel like that is home anymore. So I feel homeless.

Yesterday was a really, really dark day where I never got out of my pajamas. Drew encouraged me with his sweet smile and we ate cheese and grapes on the couch and I had two bowls of ice cream. But the depression felt as though it had arrived at the door carrying three bags of dark, dank, scary packages. I thought that moving here would feel like enough of a ā€œnew chapterā€ that some of the depression would naturally leave.

I know a few of the reasons why Iā€™m so overwhelmed. We went to church on Sunday and it was absolutely horrid. Well, maybe not horrid. But I was hoping that this church would be where we called home. Iā€™m hungering for a church so badly I can barely talk about it. I want to find a family of believers and sit and soak again. Iā€™m used to deep preaching (at my former church and at Southside), good music, and sweet fellowship. But this church was really just trying way too hard.

It appeared to me that they were trying to be everything to all people. And although their motive of wanting to reach everyone is to be commended, I was shocked that someone hadnā€™t tapped them on the shoulder and said, ā€œyou really need to revamp.ā€ It was so obvious to me, an outsider, that they were really, really hoping I would think they are cool.

I think Iā€™ve been around enough real believers (real in the sense of raw, honest, and passionate) that when I see folks who are in it for the recognition, I feel a bitter taste in my mouth. The girl on the stage was barefoot, shaking her booty, and occasionally glancing at the screens to see if she was on camera. It was hard to not judge everything I saw (I tried to tell myself that I donā€™t know these people at all and I need to be able to look past it) and I was almost in tears by the end of the service. Not because I was moved but because I had been aching to be in a real worship service again and hear soul-stirring preaching and itā€™s just been too long.

It didnā€™t help that when we went to get Drew out of the nursery I couldnā€™t find my small piece of paper that I needed to turn in before they would release him. I panicked as I realized that they had no back up plan. One of the ladies said, ā€œI donā€™t really know what we do now. I guess weā€™ll have to wait until all the parents have picked their children up and then see if heā€™s the only one left.ā€ I almost crawled over the counter and wrapped my hands around her neck. What if there were TWO parents who had misplaced the silly piece of paper (Iā€™m used to a better system, obviously) – were we to fight over the children or get on our knees and ask the kids to walk to their Real Mommies?? I was nauseated and angry and then all of the sudden I found the paper and we grabbed Drew and I left as quickly as I could. That situation didnā€™t add anything good to my impression of the church.

Another reason I think the depression has been thick lately is that this political season has been tormenting me to no end. I have never wanted to write about politics here but in the next few days, Iā€™m going to open up a can of worms and share my political stance. Please sugar-coat all comments. šŸ˜‰

So, when Daniel got home yesterday and found me in my pajamas, he sweetly encouraged me to get dressed and we headed to the library. I felt some of the depression lifting slightly as we pored through childrenā€™s books and watched Daniel put on a puppet show with a small crab in the childrenā€™s section (Iā€™m getting better with my fear of puppets!).

We came back home and I curled up with The Host while Daniel took Drew to Target to buy some things we needed and I finally felt a bit of relief flood over me. I felt my soul beginning to be encouraged and I took a few moments to pray and ask the Lord to please give me the strength to get back to a healthy emotional state.

Daniel was back home soon and along with a much-needed trash can for the kitchen, he had purchased two cards. One was for him, from me. Hehe. And one was from him to me.

The one for him, from me said the following:

Youā€™re my chilly-toe warmer,
lousy-day listener,
itchy-back scratcher,
pouty-mood soother,
tired-body massager,
and all-over loverā€¦

and my best-friend, too.

I love you.

The one from him to me said the following:

Since I met you,
all I can think about
is making you happy.
I want to see your smile
and hear your laughter.
I want to kiss away
old hurts
and hold you
until you know
without a doubt
that this is forever.

I want to memorize
the sound of your voice
and the dreams
of your heart.
More than anything else,
I want to make you happier wiggly-er
than youā€™ve ever been before,
and give you all the things
that you truly deserve.

Needless to say, I SOBBED LIKE A BABY after reading both cards. And then had a good laugh that heā€™d actually picked out a card for himself (for me to give him). But both were so perfect. He really is my rock.

I fell asleep with a hope that hope was ahead.

And after I saw Daniel off to work this morning, I showered and got ready. That was improvement over yesterday! šŸ™‚ Drew slept a bit longer this morning so I had time to rush downstairs and straighten his toys up so the house would look inviting because cable is getting hooked up today. JOY!

I heard Drew start stirring so I headed to the kitchen to make him a plate of snacks.

While in the kitchen, I reached for the hand towel and it fell to the floor. For the umteenth-billion time. I stared at the hand towel and realized that I need to buy the type that hooks or buttons over the towel rod. So that Drew canā€™t pull it down and that I canā€™t knock it down.

When I turned around, I saw Janali and Zedekiah standing at my front door! Their arms were full of ā€œwelcome to Carlisleā€ gifts.

basket of generosity

She made a casserole that I can pop in for dinner tonight as well as lots of canned goodies and fresh home-made bread.

fresh bread

AND, two towels of the button-type variety!!


Drew and ā€œKiahā€ (as Drew calls him) played for a few minutes while I thanked Janali for her kindness and then they headed off to drop MORE food off for other folks.

I was so encouraged to see a friendly face of kindness that after they left I found myself at the kitchen sink, my hands in the warm soapy water, and my eyes full of tears as I thanked God for such a sweet encouragement.

Within minutes from drying my hands, I got a call from Jason and we talked about faith, friendship, and how it would be nice if we could all get together IN PERSON instead of just on Twitter (although it IS really nice to know when someone is having a bologna sandwich or reading a particular article just so that we feel like we have some daily connection).

And so, not only did I get goodies from a friend today, a kind phone call from a friend, but I also got cable installed today and now I can watch Law & Order ALL DAY LONG. There goes the HOUSEWORK, CLEAN DIAPERS, and MEALS. šŸ™‚ Just kidding.

So, I feel good today. I feel encouraged. Wiggly, even. Especially since I read on Southsideā€™s website that the worship cd He Has Done It All is available!! I canā€™t wait to get it. We were there the morning they recorded it and I wept and wept. Iā€™m aching to hear the music again.

The lesson for me, in all of this, is simply that even on cloudy daysā€¦there is hope ahead. I know weā€™ll find a church even if it takes a bit of time. Weā€™ll get settled. Iā€™ll work through my depression.

And also, Pushing Daisies Season 1 is on DVD! And, Autumn is coming! And, Derek Webb is coming here soon (not here, to my house, mind you)! And, Stephenie Meyer is going to be on The Ellen Degeneres Show tomorrow!

AND, I have the cutest little boy in the world.
