Archive for April, 2012

spring cleaning and warning signs.

Monday, April 9th, 2012

I’m up to my elbows in spring cleaning Drew’s room and sorting through all his toys (ALL of them – baby toys, etc.). It’s really difficult to make progress when he keeps “rediscovering” toys from his baby days so I banished him to the living room with chalk for the porch, drawing supplies, and Max and Ruby (it’s better if I’m not in the room when it’s on because I can’t stand this show).

Twenty minutes later he army crawled into his room and stuck this picture on the door and said, “ATTENTION MOMMY. I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT. THIS IS A SIGN FOR YOU.”

No mommies allowed

He informed me that it says Mommy, don’t come in the door. Because you can’t come in. I need to play in my room. No mommies in my room.

I think he wants his room back.

up and down.

Sunday, April 8th, 2012

Up: I finally completed something on my Mighty Life List.

Down: Being woken at 3am from our neighbors throwing furniture and screaming. It really shocked us (and scared us) because we’ve never heard them make noise. We ended up having to call the police because it escalated and we were worried for their safety.

Up: We are heading to Maryland for a visit in a few weeks.

Down: The reason we are going is because Grandpa is very, very sick. And we want to spend some time with him.

Up: My brother-in-law Ben just got engaged to the lovely Allyson and they are getting married in August!

allyson & ben

Down: I have a bright red V on my chest. From sunburn while at the zoo. Ugh. I didn’t even think of putting on sunscreen and my pale skin just screams “OH SUN, BURN ME RIGHT NOW. PLEASE. I LOVE LOBSTER PINK.”

Up: The FDA is for the first time “publicly reassessing whether foods like Jell-O, Lucky Charms cereal and Minute Maid Lemonade should carry warnings that the bright artificial colorings in them worsen behavior problems like hyperactivity in some children.” This is a constant topic of conversation in our home.


and then he turned five.

Friday, April 6th, 2012

Five years ago today, we were welcoming our tiny Andrew to the Outside.

Daniel took the day off work and we celebrated by spending the day at the Toledo Zoo. We’d never been there and it was really quite lovely.

{you can see all our pictures here}

After 5+ hours of walking, we headed back home for dinner with cake & ice cream. And Drew answered these questions as an Important Five Year Old. ^_^

the art of the everyday.

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

It’s been awhile, dear reader.

It hasn’t bothered me a bit to step away from the blog and enjoy the beginning of Spring. That is, it didn’t bother me until I started Spring cleaning Drew’s bedroom closet and sorted through his clothes that are too small and found pictures of a tiny person who is tall and knows so much about Space. Daniel and I may have spent a few evenings on the couch watching videos of our tiny offspring toddle around the house in Carlisle. I cried. There may have been squealing.

Sure, it’s annoying to hear “they grow up so fast so enjoy it” while you are rubbing your expecting tummy but Really. They do.

I love finding my son sprawled on his almost-too-small-bed with legs dangling precariously off the edge. Lego helicopters smushed under blankets and piles and piles of cars lumped under the pillow. He spends considerable time at his easel drawing “blueprints” and then pulls the tunnel from his closet, sets up blocks, activates magical powers, and then presents us his own creative Mythbusters Worthy™ unchained reactions. He uses SkyView on my iPhone and runs through the hall locating Venus, the Sun, and talking about how constellations are so beautiful because they are shapes in the stars.

So, I’ve enjoyed delving into living and my lil’ blog has yawned for a bit. And before I know it, I’m walking downtown with a munchkin who is getting Tall Like His Daddy and I stumble and tear up and think where did time go?

Chronicling our lives not only gives me incredible joy but it encourages me so much to see where we are NOW compared to where we WERE.

We had some dark days in our early marriage. Depression, heartache, pure confusion, trying to understand Asperger’s in marriage, letting go of our faith, tight finances, and discouraging days that echod the annoying drip from the kitchen sink.

And all that fighting. Ugh. I remember my dad giving me an exasperated look at the kitchen table one day and saying, “well, Jennifer, you need to grow up. Just stop fighting.” I was upset at his obvious conclusion that our fighting was just immaturity. Maybe it was that we needed to understand more about Apserger’s. Or maybe my dad was right.

All I know is that about a week ago, Daniel caught me eye and grinned and said, “hey, remember when we used to fight all the time?” I gasped! We haven’t fought in…a year or so? We can’t even remember when we stopped. Maybe we grew up? Maybe we figured out how to just let each other breathe and be human? Maybe I stopped being a control freak? HAHA that can’t be it.

But we really are so happy now. We love living in Whitmore Lake. Michigan has been way more wonderful than I could have imagined. I love seeing how fulfilled Daniel is in his career. I finally feel at peace with who I am and the choices I am making. I have fallen in love with reading again (I am carefully balancing it with Skyrim, of course) and I’m even fitting into clothes that I had packed away in a Yeah Right box.

So, I’m going to try my hand at keeping this space updated more frequently. When I’m old and gray, this silly little blog about the art of the everyday will be gold. To me. And maybe to those who love me.