Archive for April, 2004


Wednesday, April 21st, 2004

I’ve been dying since about 10pm last night.

I don’t know if it was food poison or a bug, but there were several moments when I started planning out my will. Lying in bed, cold wash cloth pressed on my forehead, and keeping the “spill” bucket close- I was in NO shaped to get out of bed and shout for help. So, I grabbed my cell phone and called my house.

My dad answered in a huff. The fact that I was in my “little sick voice” didn’t help any as I said, “I need help. Medicine. Something.” He sort of sputtered and then I heard mom rushing to my room.

Maybe calling them on the phone was a little weird but I didn’t have a choice! I was dying! So, dad went to the store and got me some meds, sprite, and saltine crackers.

Which makes me wonder. Are there other “sick” foods out there? When you get sick, do you always go for the sprite and saltines as well? Is that a worldwide habit? Hmm. Deep questions. Anyway, I’m absolutely exhausted. I got NO sleep last night and I still can’t walk straight.

So, I’m going to go die a little more.


Wednesday, April 21st, 2004

It is amazing how our lives parallel books. Some are worn from handling and others are fresh, with bright covers. But in each case, a story is woven through the pages.

There have been many times when I misjudged a book simply because of the cover. It wasn’t until I delved deep inside that I found the treasure. And to be perfectly honest, there were some books that had fascinating little covers that held nothing but empty mush, which anyone could write given enough drink and laughter.

But a measure of excitement lies in the unexpected that comes with each chapter. The gun fights. The appalling revelation that so-and-so is really so-and-so’s long lost cousin. Can you tell that I enjoy drama? But what grabs me more than anything are the bittersweet goodbyes. They are difficult, hard, and heart wrenching. But just as they are most certainly a part of our lives, so are the hellos.

Here’s to fewer goodbyes and more hellos.

you’re hired.

Thursday, April 15th, 2004

After 2 hours of nail-biting and furious shouting at Omarosa (and a few trips to the kitchen for ice-cream and pizza), The Apprentice was officially chosen.

Although I think I like Kwame’s personality better, I do think Bill will do a fantastic job.


Wednesday, April 14th, 2004

Another reason I don’t like working at that branch. This is, what- twice in the past month?

[On a sidenote, it seems that robbing the place was just an afterthought. She doesn’t look very prepared.]


Tuesday, April 13th, 2004

I learned 2 things today:

1. Keeping your dreams is exceptionally important. Sometimes they come true. My best friend is FINALLY writing her book. Go take her survey.
2. Fish die when you place them in a bowl full of Dasani water.