Archive for the ‘The Friends’ Category

up and down.

Monday, September 8th, 2008

Up: Sam & Janali came over Saturday afternoon and stayed until the evening. We just sat around talking about faith, parenting, local places, and vegan/raw-food living. It was so relaxing to see the kids play together and just SIT. Even with boxes around us! I got to hold sweet Abram (who is 9 weeks old) and his sweet cooing gave me an oh-my-goodness-I-want-another-baby moment. Augh!

Down: Our box-springs on our Queen bed will not go up the stairs and we’ve discovered it’s going to be impossible to cut through the metal inside. So we passed it along to someone else and are going to buy two “halvesies.” Until then, we are sleeping on our mattress. On the floor. 😛

Up: We bought a coffee-maker and a bright red microwave today. I feel civilized.

Down: We ran out of bookcases for all of our books today. Sigh. And we do not have more room for bookcases! Unless we hang them on the walls.

Up: Daniel bought me The Host by Stephenie Meyers and I promised myself I wouldn’t start reading it until all the boxes are unpacked.

Down: We thought we’d get the main TV channels and PBS in Carlisle (as we had in South Carolina) but unfortunately we only get one channel that is actually clear. So, we are looking into Cable (we have Cable Internet and Phones but not Cable TV) and I’m a little bit stompy about it. We don’t watch a lot of TV and aren’t excited about paying for it and I also know that if we HAVE it then I’m probably going to watch more. Fuss.

Up: I finally got a copy of Martha Stewart’s Homekeeping Handbook!! I have been wanting this book for so long and I have been in awe while skimming through it. There are chapters about how to arrange your kitchen, which linens are best, how to create your own cleaning supplies, and so much more.

Up: My father-in-law and my brother-in-law Ben came up today and spent the day with us unpacking boxes, moving furniture, and watching Drew prance about through the house. They helped us get so much done. I’m so incredibly grateful.

Down: I still don’t have curtains on most of the windows and it’s been freaking me out. Not because I care about what people think but because there aren’t blinds on some windows! So we put up sheets tonight to calm my nerves.

Up: Even though our shower is tiny height-wise, it is still incredibly cozy. I think this particular shower is my most favorite ever. Daniel thinks I’m crazy.

about to hit the road.

Thursday, August 14th, 2008

Daniel and I accidentally fell asleep early in the evening and then suddenly woke up around 11:30pm tonight (well, Wed night) and so we’ve been watching the Olympic coverage and trying to convince ourselves to go back to sleep because we have a long drive ahead of us in a few hours.

We’ll be waking back up around 5:30am to start packing (everything is washed and ready, I just need to organize the suitcases), Daniel has an eye appointment, and then we are hitting the road for Baltimore, Maryland where we will be staying with the Bergey’s and then also visiting Pennsylvania on Saturday to get the keys to the house and I’ll be seeing the house for the first time. It’s crazy how all of this is suddenly HAPPENING. 🙂

Yesterday Kerry came to the Valley and spent awhile with us. We ended up going back to her farm yesterday evening and Daniel toted Drew around while we visited the horses, goats, sheep, turkeys, chickens, cats, and dogs. Drew called everything kitty-cat. It was so cute. I also got bitten by fire ants AGAIN. That is twice in one week. I freaked out when I felt them biting and kicked my sandal off and saw them all over my foot. Kerry brushed them all off and then graciously got them all off of my sandal, too. I was worried that Drew was going to get in them but Daniel quickly moved away and neither he or Drew got bitten. Thankfully!

So, now I am making myself get off the Internet and try to sleep. 😛

jason’s visit.

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

jason & the little french pea

Life has been slightly lazy since Jason arrived to spend a few days with us.

Jason and I met for the first time (in person) in May of 2003 right before my graduation from BJU. Through the years, he’s proved to be a really strong supporter of what is right and true in my life. I’m a bit fickle and headstrong and he’s always been quick to remind me of that. 🙂 Gentle, but always truthful. Our friendship has stayed constant even though we have only met in person a handful of times.

It has been wonderful to watch Jason interact with my parents again and see him spending time with my husband and little boy. Drew loves to laugh at him and Daniel is thrilled to have another geek in the house.

We’ve spent considerable time reminiscing about so many things. What blogging was like back in the days. Memories of our first visits. How life has changed so much. Of course, it certainly helps that Autumn is alive and well in The Valley and so we are all feeling creative, spontaneous, and adventuresome. And very talkative.

Daniel, Mom, and Jason are finishing up a Scrabble game in the family room. I had to leave because I can barely keep my eyes open. I am so.very.tired. It’s bordering on obnoxious-silly-annoying tiredness. That bad. But I couldn’t go to bed without writing about how much I’m enjoying his visit.

weekend fun.

Saturday, May 6th, 2006

Friday afternoon brought strong thunderclouds and drizzly rain. It also brought my father-in-law and two of Daniel’s brothers, Tim and Steve. Tim was on his way home from his freshman year of college. They crowded in the living room (and I use crowded because they are all very Tall Boys) while I put on some taco soup and we whittled the evening away at the dining room table as we talked about the latest Apple commercials, wedding pictures, Georgia girls (and some from Tennessee), and much more. The rains came harder then so we opened the patio doors and let the breeze blow through as we had pecan pie and coffee.

Later, Steve and I made a trip to the local Bi-Lo (which we affectionally/oddly call Publix simply because it’s so classy) to pick up some ingredients to make rice crispy treats. Obviously, there was quite a bit of good food to be had this weekend.

A nice surprise was the gifts they brought along. Daniel’s grandfather does the most amazing wood carving I’ve ever seen and also has such talent in making grandfather clocks. We already have a lovely grandfather clock in our living room (that his grandfather gave him a few years ago) and it always receives such nice compliments. So I was quite amazed that his grandfather also had been working on a grandson clock for us! It’s beautiful and we have it sitting on our stereo cabinet at the moment.

Kevin, Heather’s fiance, was moving into our apartment complex on Friday night so we also went over to be their First Guests and then they returned the favor by dropping by our place and bringing the Pelfrey Clan with them too. I really loved having guests over. It was the first time that we have had anyone over other than family. We need to start entertaining more!

As the hours passed the evening grew longer, the guys started dying to get their guitars out. Remember, we live in an apartment and although we do not have paper thin walls – we can still hear the little boy or girl who runs like crazy upstairs, the guy who rocks out on Saturday night, and the little girl who practices piano in the evening. I am always having to tame Daniel’s wild keyboard playing and so when they began raring to go – I was slightly worried that our neighbors would vote us out. But I just kept quite, continued drawing on my wacom tablet and watched as they turned into an amazing band right before my eyes.

I was amazed at how they seem to read each other’s minds and do so well with impromptu playing. They played around for awhile, stirring my heart as I enjoyed the wild, crazy music and then they slowed down and Steve sang Well Done (a song that Daniel wrote), which is what he sang for the Festival of Life this year – and won 2nd place!

When I crawled into bed on Friday night, my heart was so content. It felt wonderful to have family here and I knew it must be refreshing everyone’s hearts to be together. It’s always important to not take family for granted. Especially when you have never had brothers before. 🙂

This morning was full of banana bread, scrambled eggs, cereal and sleepy-eyed boys. We said our goodbye’s soon and they headed off for Maryland and Daniel and I crashed. We had some leftover taco soup for lunch and then rested some more.

And then this evening, we had a Graduation party for our Pastor as he got his Masters degree from BJU this morning. 

Also, Things of Note:

1. I really appreciate the person who shared some of Jack Johnson’s music with me this weekend. 🙂 That’s all I’ve been playing this evening.

2. It is really funny that on Kevin’s first night at the apartment, he started a grease fire. It was probably the Lord trying to get his attention because WHO EATS CHICKEN GIZZARDS??! Hello. I live in the South.

things of late.

Tuesday, September 13th, 2005

Stingy Bees & Limping: About a week ago, I got stung by a bee and found (through much pain and limping) that I am allergic to bees. Thankfully, my reaction wasn’t as horrid as it could have been. It is only necessary that I keep Benadryl with me, not a shot.

Telling Friends Goodbye: Hannah, who I have known for all of her life, left for college this past week. Our so-long was bittersweet. The Open Road is a blessed gift but also quite overwhelming. She and her twin sister, Heather, have been dear friends to me. They’ve been my after-church-supper buddies, the girls who shriek by me in their green car, the girls to ask about where the cutest purses can be bought and Hannah (with her soulful sax) and Heather (with her rich clarinet) have played with me in the church orchestra for years. Heather is facing her own Open Road (with school beginning in January and a Boy on her arm). I’m excited about their new chapters but also cautious because I know that it is most difficult to keep your soul steady during the winds of change. Hannah and Heather – my prayers for you haven’t stopped and I love you both dearly.

New Beginnings: New Beginnings is a class that was just started at Grace. It is unlike any Sunday School class I’ve attended – and it’s uniqueness is enjoyable. Pastor Jeff is leading the class and we are basically soul-searching on the truths we hold dear. Daniel and I really like the class and I think it’s just what we need. Perhaps my only hesitation is that I’m sadly surprised at my lack of depth in reiterating why I believe what I believe. Hopefully, these morning sessions will help me grow.

A New Home: We’ve found the apartment where we are going to live and it’s about 25 minutes away from The Valley. I’m going to have to get used to a different post office, restaurants (Cracker Barrel is building right beside us), dry cleaners and yet the beauty is that I am minutes away from I-85. The apartment itself is adorable (3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room, living room, lots of linen closets and a balcony with french doors) and the complex seems to have a warm, friendly atmosphere. Lots of kids running about, jump-rope games, smiling faces and great parking! What is really overwhelming is to think about all the packing I’ll be doing in the next four months.