Archive for November, 2011

the nooks and crannies.

Monday, November 7th, 2011

I took Octolilly off of private-view only because I think I’m finally done dusting out the archives, messing with the CSS, and trying my best to correct some serious errors with this theme.

You may need to re-subscribe to my RSS feed (I had deleted my feed while importing past entries so you wouldn’t get a ton of 2003 college drama flooding into your Reader) or perhaps everything will update better than I expect.

If you have suggestions or find an error, let me know.

A few things:

– You can’t comment on any posts older than 30 days so if you start reading in the Archives and want to add something, you can email me your thoughts or talk to me on Formspring.

– It’s pretty obvious that I don’t have ALL my posts that I’ve ever written. But I’ve spent a lot of time searching on and pouring through my old laptops and I’ve found the bulk of everything.

Happy November, and here we go!

newsletter: month fifty-five.

Sunday, November 6th, 2011


It’s been a really long time since I’ve written you a newsletter. I stopped writing for awhile so I could just focus on living. It was a nice break but it’s Autumn now and seeing as I always come out of my shell at this time of year, I’ll take this creative stirring as a hint that I should embrace writing regularly again.

You are four and a half now! You think big thoughts, dream big dreams, and have loads more energy than your father and I combined.

We just had a lovely Halloween that undid a bit of our STRANGER DANGER enforcing. Up until now, you’ve been wary of strangers. But at some point on Halloween night, as you skipped down a road lit with ghostly pumpkins, you declared, “now that everyone knows me, they are ALL MY FRIENDS!”

happy halloween 2011

You were still nervous about actually having to say “trick or treat” or even “thank you” but the minute that I talked to the stranger, I’d hear a tiny four year old voice behind me rattle off a bit of useless information.

Me: Happy Halloween! We have a nervous space rocket with us this evening.
Stranger: Hi! Welcome! Here’s some candy!
Drew, in a monotone voice: weparkedthecardowntheroadandisawlotsofkidsrunningaround.

So now we are back to smiling pleasantly at the people around us and not shrieking OH HEY YOU HEEEYYYYYY to everyone we see. At least you are past your phase wherein you shouted “PEOPLE!!” each time we went to the grocery store.

You see the world in black and white. If we’ve established rules on a certain subject, you become unbearable to be around if we deviate from the norm. “NO. THIS IS THE WAY WE DO IT. I DO NOT THINK YOU ARE RIGHT.” Your daddy and I chuckle, because you are just like him.

You also have a problem with anger, though. When you are really, really fussy – you shake a little, clench your fists, and grit your teeth. And darling, you get this from me. All your pillow-punching and shrieking breaks my heart because I know EXACTLY how you feel when you get frustrated. You are learning coping mechanisms. Soft things help calm us down. Classical music soothes. Warm baths comfort. And lying in bed and snuggling while we cry always makes us feel less lonely.

But being four and a half hasn’t just held tantrums! We’ve also watched you blossom as you learn about everything. You are still most certainly fascinated with machines, wheels, and HOW everything works. And for the first time ever, you realized that there was a time when you weren’t with us and your chin quivered as you said, “but I missed you so much when I wasn’t here.”

You are awesome, sweetie. I am proud of you and I love you so much. There is so much world out there for you to discover and I can’t wait to see your eyes sparkle as you realize there is even MORE to learn. Here’s to the next bit of discovery!

P.S. We’re still chronicling the funny things you say on bouncydrew.

we’re still here.

Sunday, November 6th, 2011

I’m sorting through archives, dusting off Octolilly, and hoping to write regularly again. You know what this is, right? The Creativity of Autumn has hit me. I must indulge.